At Citizens Advice Cardiff & Vale, we give people the knowledge and confidence they need to find their way forward. Nobody sees so many people with so many different kinds of problems, and that gives us a unique insight into the challenges people are facing today.

We create engaging, informative and accessible training sessions that have something for everyone, with content that covers local and national issues, backed up by data and evidence obtained through our interactions with clients across Wales.

Our clients include local government, housing associations and various third sector organisations.

Welfare Benefits

Overview of Welfare Benefits

This course will cover the best ways to maximise income, the principles of financial wellbeing and how to ensure clients are receiving everything they are eligible for.

Universal Credit – Overview

The course will cover the basics and provide attendees with a clear understanding of how Universal Credit works.

Universal Credit – Mixed Age Couples

The rules for mixed aged couples changed in 2019, meaning where one member of a couple is of working age, they will only be able to receive working age benefits.

Universal Credit – Natural Migration

This course looks at how best to deal with claimants still in receipt of legacy benefits, where there is a change of circumstances.

Universal Credit – Housing Costs

This course looks at how claims for housing costs are decided when applying for the Universal Credit housing element, or Housing Benefit.

Personal Independence Payment

The course focuses on introducing PIP and gaining a basic understanding of the benefit.

Filling in a PIP Form

This course will look at the principles and process of filling in PIP forms.

Attendance Allowance

This is an introduction to AA and looks at how the benefit works, and how advisers should be dealing with these types of enquiries.

Filling in an Attendance Allowance Form

This course will look at the principles and process of filling in AA forms.

Cost of Living

Cost of Living and Income Maximisation

This course will cover the best ways to maximise income, the principles of financial wellbeing and how to ensure clients are receiving everything they are eligible for.


Overview of Debt

This is suitable for front-line staff, such as support workers who would like a basic understanding of debt to assist their clients.

Income Maximisation

This half day course is suitable for front-line staff wanting to increase their knowledge and confidence in supporting clients presenting with budgeting issues.

Council Tax & Bailiffs

This course is suitable for front line staff wanting to increase their knowledge and confidence in supporting clients who present with council tax debts and bailiff issues.

Debt, Vulnerability & The Equality Act in Practice

This course is suitable for frontline staff such as support workers, who would like a basic understanding of the strategies available to support vulnerable clients with debt issues.

Dealing with Debt Emergencies

This course is suitable for frontline advisers and new money advice workers wanting to increase their knowledge and confidence in supporting clients presenting with debt emergencies.


Migrant Rights and Public Services

This training is an OISC Level 1 course and will be suitable for advisors delivering Level 1 advice, or those beginning their journey delivering immigration advice.

Vulnerable Migrants

This course is designed to train frontline staff on how to identify groups of vulnerable migrants, identity their rights and provide relevant advice and support.


Right to Work

This course will increase awareness and knowledge for frontline staff about migrant rights and their right to work in the UK.

Employment Law Overview

This course is designed for frontline advisors who want to gain a basic understanding of employment issues.


Housing Law in Wales

This course is designed for frontline advisors who want to gain a basic understanding of employment issues.

Customer Service

Good Customer Service

This course has been designed and developed to help frontline staff members deliver high standard customer service to their clients and constituents.

Good Casework Management

This course is designed to assist frontline staff, to get a better understanding on how to manage their caseload, and how to best manage their time effectively.

Mental Health

Supporting Vulnerable Clients

Mental health issues are common and one in four of us is likely to experience some kind of mental health issue over the course of a year. It’s increasingly common that we encounter clients and members of staff who may be experiencing poor mental health.