A face to face, telephone, webchat and email generalist and specialist advice service run from Barry and outreach premises in the Vale of Glamorgan and Cardiff.
It is funded by both local authorities. Our service delivers detailed and specific advice on the issue(s) affecting our clients. It may include assisting in completion of forms or drafting of correspondence, providing sample letters or other self-help material and guidance, one-off negotiations on the client’s behalf (and with appropriate authorisation).
We also cover a small amount of casework activity such as ongoing correspondence and negotiation with third parties. Whenever clients require specialist help we refer them to appropriate specialist providers and services, both internally and externally.
Those Those requiring specialist advice should call our Advicelink Cymru service on 0800 7022 020
Clients who require text relay can call 18001 08082 505720
Lines are open between 9am and 6pm Mondays and Thursdays, and between 9am and 5pm Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
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