Saving energy in our houses is ideal throughout the summer. During the summer months we tend to be less reliant on home appliances and spend less time inside. As a result, there are more opportunities to save money and build credit in preparation for the winter.
It is important to be energy efficient all year long, but in this article you will find advice on how to save energy specifically in the summer. Here are some tips for keeping a little extra money in your pocket this summer!

Unplug any standby appliances

You waste energy by leaving your appliances on standby when you might have saved it by just pressing the off switch. Your energy bill can decrease significantly if you turn off all of your appliances when they are not needed. The main appliances that consume energy while in standby mode, include electronics such as your television and speakers, as well as kitchen appliances like toasters and kettles. Even when appliances are partially turned off, heat is still released. In order to keep your house cool during the summer months, turn your appliances off.

The use of fans

In the summer, fans are used more frequently, which may have an impact on the energy you use. To counteract this, make sure you are utilising them to their fullest ability. For instance, you may place your fans at floor level to circulate the cooler air rather than the heated air that has ascended. Additionally, you might save energy by opening your windows at night rather than using your fan.

Use your dryer wisely

An ideal alternative for using a dryer is to use a drying rack and allow your clothing dry naturally in the warmer heat. This is a great method to conserve energy and even reduce your energy bill. If you have a garden in your home, you should use a traditional clothesline to let your clothes dry in the sun this summer.

Use LED light bulbs

LEDs are excellent for saving energy as they consume less power and produce little heat. They are also built to last, so not only will you save money on your energy bill but you might potentially save money on the initial investment. Throughout the summer months the sun is out for longer periods, meaning you can use less household lights, which is another chance to conserve energy!

Be water efficient

Heating water constitutes to large amount of your annual heating bill. If you are looking to save money, you can use less hot water by taking shorter showers instead of baths and selecting lower water temperatures. With the warmer months it is a lot more comfortable to have these cooler showers. As well as this, you might wash your clothing at a lower temperature to reduce your energy bill.

Spend more time outside

Summer is about doing activities we can’t do in the winter, so spend more time doing this outdoors. This will also ensure that you don’t use electricity as you’re outside! Your energy bills can be decreased just simply by turning off the lights and appliances that use a lot of electricity.

Smart devices

Smart thermostats and smart metres give you more control over how much energy you use. Smart metres will show you how much energy you consume and make your bills easier to understand. Additionally, they offer more precise metre readings, ensuring that you are only charged for the energy you actually consume. To find out if you can have a smart metre installed, contact your energy supplier.

If you are worried about or having problems with your energy bill, CACV are here to help. Here at Citizens Advice Cardiff & Vale, we provide free, confidential and impartial information and advice to the residents of the City of Cardiff & The Vale Of Glamorgan. For jargon free help and advice, please visit us at Citizens Advice or Contact Us here.

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